Are you aware of common types of dental damage that you're often susceptible to in your day-to-day life? Although you may be taking the time to protect your teeth and gums from various microscopic risks associated with dental erosion and cavities, it is also important to be aware of risks in your daily life that can cause physical damage to... read more »
Cosmetic dentistry has left many smiles looking beautiful and flawless in its wake. In fact, there are many who wonder just what cosmetic dentistry has to offer regarding the various treatments that can be used to enhance your smile. If you have dreamed of a beautiful and flawless smile, then thank cosmetic dentistry for making it possible for your dreams... read more »
Would you like to improve your smile? If so, have you considered dental crowns? Dental crowns can help improve the appearance of your teeth. Our dental expert, Dr. Perichole Eilers with Watertown Family Dental in Watertown, Massachusetts, is trained and experienced with dental crowns and is happy to explain more about them. Dental crowns are exceptional devices that are cemented... read more »
Your mouth cranks out saliva throughout the day to keep your teeth and gums protected from harmful dental problems. An important role of saliva is to naturally clean the teeth to wash away lingering food and bacteria particles following a meal. The flow of saliva also keeps your mouth wet to prevent dry mouth from occurring so that you aren’t... read more »
Dentures are commonly considered to be a dental treatment for the elderly, but can actually benefit younger patients, too. In fact, any patient who has missing teeth may be a candidate for dentures. In recent years, dentures have undergone significant advancements have made them much more effective in replacing missing teeth. We invite you to learn more about the benefits... read more »
If you failed to keep your teeth, gums and smile in mind this wrestling season, then there is a good chance you are suffering with dental issues or poor oral health. This can be dangerous if you don’t get the problems treated right away. So, our dentist, Dr. Perichole Eilers, encourages you to restore your smile by doing the following... read more »
Have you ever lost any teeth before? Do you have any teeth that are extremely loose or teeth that are due for a tooth extraction anytime soon? Even if you have severe or broken or damaged teeth, a tooth extraction may be needed to improve your smile. Luckily, there are ways to replace these teeth. By using a tooth... read more »
While baby teeth are tiny, they’re just as susceptible to periodontal disease as are adult teeth. When children’s teeth get infected, the condition is defined as baby bottle tooth decay, and it can leave children with lost teeth and impaired gums and bones. To shield your little one from baby bottle tooth decay, there are a few things we... read more »
A healthy mouth is important for your overall enjoyment of life. Suffering from cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and other oral health maladies can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and inconvenience. Some of these conditions might also require costly and invasive treatment if they’re not detected early. To help prevent these serious oral health problems the American Dental Association recommends that you... read more »
Acute bad breath is often the result of consuming a pungent food or beverage. It can often be remedied by brushing your teeth, flossing, and a vigorous rinse with an ADA approved antiseptic mouthwash. Yet chronic bad breath that persists without any overt cause, could be a symptom of a more significant oral health condition, or a latent medical problem... read more »