Acute bad breath is often the result of consuming a pungent food or beverage. It can often be remedied by brushing your teeth, flossing, and a vigorous rinse with an ADA approved antiseptic mouthwash.
Yet chronic bad breath that persists without any overt cause, could be a symptom of a more significant oral health condition, or a latent medical problem affecting your blood, kidneys or other organs.
Having the source of your chronic bad breath problem diagnosed by a dentist like Dr. Perichole Eilers might be able to catch a serious medical or oral health condition before it can worsen.
You should also note that chronic bad breath is also an associated symptom of gum disease. Without professional diagnosis and treatment, a simple case of gum inflammation could escalate into a severe periodontal infection that could result in the loss of multiple teeth.
Oral and pharyngeal cancer can also affect the odor of your breath. This might also be accompanied by swelling and discoloration of oral tissues, as well as a persistent feeling of something stuck in the back of your mouth or throat
If you live in the Watertown, Massachusetts, area and you have been struggling with chronic bad breath, you should call 617-923-0233 to schedule a checkup at Watertown Family Dental’s clinic.