A healthy mouth is important for your overall enjoyment of life. Suffering from cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and other oral health maladies can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and inconvenience. Some of these conditions might also require costly and invasive treatment if they’re not detected early.
To help prevent these serious oral health problems the American Dental Association recommends that you practice a consistent daily oral hygiene routine, as well as visit a professional dentist like Dr. Perichole Eilers twice each year, for a dental checkup.
Your daily oral hygiene routine should be founded on effectively brushing your teeth each morning and evening, as well as remembering to thoroughly floss between all of your teeth as well as the gumline.
To help maintain an effective oral hygiene habit, the ADA offers high standards for quality, safety, and effectiveness in oral hygiene products. Some products with only cosmetic value disguise their ineffectiveness in eloquent marketing claims.
To help ensure that you are using the highest quality oral hygiene products the American Dental Association instituted their Seal of Acceptance program.
Oral hygiene manufacturers can voluntarily submit a new product to the American Dental Association in advance of its launch. The ADA laboratories will then test and research the active ingredients for safety and its effectiveness. If it meets the ADA’s high standards the oral hygiene product will earn the right to print the Seal of Acceptance on the label.
The American Dental Association also provides an index of all approved oral hygiene products on their website.
If you live in the Watertown, Massachusetts region and you need help developing a more effective oral hygiene routine, you can always call 617-923-0233 to speak with Dr. Perichole Eilers or one of the staff specialists at Watertown Family Dental.